Monday, December 14, 2009

2 years ago today...

Most momma's write a "1 year ago" post ..well as you can tell I'm not like other momma's and that blog post was the furthest from my mind a year ago. I wasn't sure what my name was at that time.

Anyway, 2 years ago today we found out our life was going to drastically change. We knew we were pregnant but were going into see my RE for a routine sonogram after the + test. We put two embryos back during the IVF procedure and I wasn't going to freak out if it were twins. During the sonogram I saw two embryos and right after I said "I see two", the sono tech, moved the wand and said "I see three!" Mike said something that I'm not able to post and all I could do was laugh.

We didn't tell my family until Christmas when I made the usual year video with a "surprise" at the end. We told Mike's Mom and sister Jess on Christmas Day when we presented a shirt to Lauren that said "Big Sister". My sister in law, Tiffany, had her baby on the 17th of December and Ms. Ava was still in the hospital for some minor medical issues so we kept our news a secret until Ms. Ava came home a few days later.

At 13 weeks along we found out that we were having all boys. We had the nursery set up by the time I was 18 weeks pregnant. And the pregnancy went along without any issues until I had some bleeding at week 29 and that landed me two days in the hospital. I was given the 2 steroid shots for the boys lungs just in case they came earlier than we had planned. Two weeks on bedrest and I was back on to my normal activity until the boys arrived.

I had the two best OB doctors. Dr. Berry Fleming was my OB and Dr. David Gore was my Perinatologist. I got to see one of these doctors at least every two weeks until I hit 28 weeks, then I believe I saw one of the drs once a week. Fleming's goal for me was to hit 34 weeks, but my goal was to hit 36. I know, I have to be an overachiever. Once I hit 32 weeks, I was beginning to reconsider my goal. At my 33 appt, Fleming and I discussed that it was time to schedule the c-section, it was beginning to get harder to breathe and to do my normal activities (at that time pretty much just included sleeping, sitting on the couch and eating).

At week 35 and 2 days the boys arrived. Logan being the first at 7:44 a.m. and following him was Travis at 7:45 and Ian just a second or two later! Logan and Ian came out looking fine and were crying. Travis on the other hand, had us worried. He came out looking pale and limp and was not crying at all. I was able to see all three before they were taken to the NICU. Travis was a little anemic and was dehydrated.
While I was in the recovery room, I was able to have visitors. Everyone that was in the waiting room made their way in to see me. My special guest was Lauren...I was so surprised that she was able to come see me there! The hospital staff, including the NICU nurses, were so good in trying to keep Lauren included with the trio.

Logan 4 lbs 4 oz

Travis 4 lbs 2 oz

Ian 5lbs 6 oz

The boys had the best care in the NICU for five days and then they came home and that is where the adventures continues...

The morning before my scheduled c-section, I remember Lauren eating breakfast. She looked at me and said "Well this is it. This is my last day as an only child!" I wasn't sure how to react and I asked her if that was a good thing and she said "OH YEAH! I'm so excited to see my baby brothers."

Lauren being the first of anyone to hold Travis.

Lauren has been the best big sister that these boys could have. She may not change a diaper, but will help out whenever I ask her to. It makes my day when she comes to me and says "these boys are so darned cute!" She always kisses these boys before she leaves for school and when she comes back. Ian is her biggest fan, he gets so excited to see her when she gets home.

The boys at 17 months old:




Some days are hard with these boys, but I wouldn't change it for anything. We laugh about something every day, whether it's something they are doing or something they are trying to say. I love my kiddos!


Crystal said...

That's awesome! Thanks for sharing! Love the Christmas card!

CNH said...

Can you believe it's been a year and a half since we had the multiples explosion on DAM? They are absolutely gorgeous!

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