Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy 10th Birthday Baby

It's official...I have a 10 year old.

Ms. Lauren was born 10 years ago today in a hospital in Friedrichshafen Germany. She was 6 lbs 7 oz and was 19 inches long. By the time she was 16 months old she had more customs stamps in her passport than most adults. We took her everywhere. Although she doesn't remember it (but boy do we remind her), she's been to London, Paris, Munich, Salzburg, Heidelburg, Fussen (where two of Germany's famous castles are), Barcelona, Nuremberg, and Zurich. I'm sure there are more cities that she's been to, but I just don't recall.

I was a bit bummed writing this blog entry because 1. I'm feeling old, 2. my baby is growing up and 3. I thought I lost all of my digital pics of Lauren when she was a baby. I have two hard drives that need to be recovered and all my digital pics are on there. Well, while I stayed up half the night writing and rewriting this post, I found a backup has some of her pics so it will have to suffice for now.

Lauren at 3 months old

Lauren (6 months) with Aunt Kathy and Mom in Munich.

Lauren, age 2, with her "cow tails". It was the only way I could get her to put her hair in pig tails. She apparently didn't like pigs at the time!

Lauren, almost 3

Lauren, age 5, with her Kinder teacher, Mrs. Klimek

Lauren (age 7) with Aunt Brenda

Playing keeper at age 8

Happy Birthday girlie!

**Today is a snow day. I woke up to about a 1/2 inch of snow and it's supposed to snow ALL DAY. Lauren woke up at 7:15 all in a tizzy because I didn't wake her up in time for school. So now I have all these cupcakes in my fridge, hopefully they can use them at school for their Valentine's Day party!!

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